Like all energy costs, water prices are continually rising, putting pressure on your budget and forcing you to economise. In group or body corporate situations this pressure is exacerbated by the fact that some people end up paying more than their fair share of the water bill due to unclear or faulty estimations of average water usage. Water meters are a great way of ensuring you only pay for what you use, and can save you drastically in the long run.
Duncan’s can install separate and individual water meters that give you a precise reading of your consumption at the point of entry to your fixtures. We will also install electric, automated sending units that give you access to your consumption information and help you divide and calculate your share correctly. In certain circumstances, we can even install an approved separate billing meter to lessen the hassle even further.
Duncan’s is committed to helping you find a solution. Before installing any water meters we will provide a consultation service with the body corporate, individuals concerned or facility manager to work out a solution. In some cases the installation/investigation and consultation outlays can be recouped when large volumes of water have been consumed by others (when you are in a shared billing arrangement). Talk to the friendly staff at Duncan’s today to explore your options.